


當前位置:首頁   >  產(chǎn)品中心  >  衛(wèi)生級球閥  >  電動三片式球閥  >  衛(wèi)生級制藥用米勒鈦電動三片式球閥型號



  • 所在城市:宿州市
  • 廠商性質(zhì):生產(chǎn)廠家
  • 更新日期:2024-11-13
  • 訪  問  量:708











3.球芯通道平整光滑,不易沉積介質(zhì),可以進行管線式通球。結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、重量輕、密封性能好。 特別適用于要求零泄漏率的場合。

Sanitary grade stainless steel electric three-piece quick-loading ball valve Φ19 ~ Φ102 material 304/316L stainless steel quick-loading, thread, flange, welding driving method manual, pneumatic, electric [ public pressure ]1.6 mpa stainless steel health class electric three-piece fast-loading ball valve structure is reasonable, beautiful shape. The valve seat adopts the elastic sealing structure, the sealing is reliable, the opening and closing is easy. The valve stem adopts the downward-mounted structure with inverted seal, when the valve chamber is abnormally pressurized, the valve stem will not be flushed out. Available with standard ISO bracket platform and locking device. The 90 ° switch positioning mechanism can be set and locked according to the need to prevent misoperation. 1. Three-piece electric ball valve fluid resistance is small, all the valve fluid resistance zui small one, AC220V, AC380V or DC24V power supply voltage as the power, receive (4-20mA, 0-10mA or 1-5VDC) current signal or voltage signal, can control the operation, with the angular stroke output torque rotation sphere 0 ~ 90 ° , can complete the opening and closing action or adjustment action. 2. All-electronic electric actuator with mechatronics engineering structure, with internal servo operation, position feedback of opening signal, position indication, manual operation, etc. , through the input current signal or voltage signal, change the ball core rotation angle (0-90 ° arbitrary angle) , to achieve the proportional adjustment action. 3. The channel of the ball core is flat and smooth, and it is not easy to deposit the medium. The utility model has the advantages of simple structure, light weight and good sealing performance. Especially suitable for the occasion requiring zero leakage rate.



安徽利勒潔凈設備科技有限公司國內(nèi)專業(yè)生產(chǎn)制造潔凈衛(wèi)生級閥門管件,主要應用于食品機械行業(yè)、制藥機械行業(yè)、乳制品行業(yè)、釀酒飲料行業(yè)以及精細化工等行業(yè)高精度衛(wèi)生級流體設備的專業(yè)生產(chǎn)廠家,產(chǎn)品規(guī)格齊全;產(chǎn)品主要有:衛(wèi)生級制藥用米勒鈦電動三片式球閥型號,無菌隔膜閥卡箍直通隔膜閥,三通隔膜閥,法蘭隔膜閥,氣動隔膜閥,U型隔膜閥,罐底隔膜閥 ;無菌球閥,卡箍直通球閥,螺紋球閥,焊接球閥,氣動球閥,法蘭球閥,電動球閥衛(wèi)生級蝶閥,焊接蝶閥,卡箍直通蝶閥,螺紋蝶閥,法蘭蝶閥,氣動蝶閥,電動蝶閥;不銹鋼衛(wèi)生泵,不銹鋼衛(wèi)生級離心泵,不銹鋼衛(wèi)生自吸泵,不銹鋼酒精防爆泵,衛(wèi)生奶泵,衛(wèi)生飲料泵;止回閥,過濾器、呼吸器、換向閥、防混閥、安全閥衛(wèi)生級不銹鋼管件,焊接彎頭,快裝彎頭,不銹鋼三通,快裝三通,四通,真空彎頭,大小頭;罐頂組件系列,不銹鋼儲罐,發(fā)酵罐,不銹鋼衛(wèi)生級人孔,清洗球/器,視鏡燈,排氣閥等其它非標產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)加工;我們竭誠為您服務.



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安徽利勒智能裝備科技有限公司 公司地址:安徽宿州蕭縣高新開發(fā)區(qū)   技術支持:制藥網(wǎng)
  • 聯(lián)系人:丁佩
  • QQ:1016103623
  • 公司傳真:86-0557-5715566
  • 郵箱:liuyi@china-mile.com

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